Slow Wifi or Internet

At Pixel IT, we specialize in diagnosing and resolving slow wifi or internet issues to ensure seamless connectivity for your home or business. Our expert technicians begin with a thorough analysis of your current network setup, identifying potential bottlenecks and areas of interference. We offer tailored solutions, including optimising router placement, updating firmware, and configuring advanced settings like Quality of Service (QoS) to prioritise essential traffic. Additionally, we provide recommendations for hardware upgrades and secure your network against unauthorised access. With our proactive monitoring and dedicated support, Pixel IT guarantees a reliable and high-speed internet experience, enabling your home or business to operate smoothly and efficiently.

1. Optimize Your Router Placement

  • Central Location: Place your router in a central location within your home to ensure even coverage.
  • Height: Position the router on a higher shelf to reduce obstructions and interference.
  • Avoid Interference: Keep the router away from electronic devices and thick walls that can interfere with the signal.

2. Update Firmware and Equipment

  • Router Firmware: Check for and install any firmware updates for your router to ensure it runs efficiently and securely.
  • Upgrade Hardware: If your router is outdated, consider upgrading to a newer model that supports the latest Wi-Fi standards (e.g., Wi-Fi 6).

3. Secure Your Network

  • Strong Password: Use a strong password for your Wi-Fi network to prevent unauthorized access, which can slow down your connection.
  • Encryption: Enable WPA3 encryption (if available) for better security and performance.

4. Manage Bandwidth Usage

  • Limit Background Activities: Turn off or limit applications and devices that consume a lot of bandwidth, such as streaming services and large file downloads.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Use your router’s QoS settings to prioritize important activities (e.g., video calls, gaming) over less critical ones.

5. Check Your Internet Plan

  • Speed Test: Regularly perform speed tests to ensure you’re getting the speeds promised by your ISP.
  • Upgrade Plan: If you frequently experience slow speeds, consider upgrading to a higher-speed plan or contact your ISP to discuss options.
Slow Wifi or Internet issues. Slow Internet. Wifi.

Fast & efficient Internet & Wifi speeds are crucial in todays homes and businesses. Disruption to these services can significantly hinder your business operations or your ability to communicate with friends or family. Let Pixel IT come to you and resolve any issues you may be having with your Slow Wifi or Internet.